Jackie Lycke
3 min readApr 5, 2021


Music for the soul

“The hills are alive, with the sound of music”-Sound of Music

“Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon
You come and go, you come and go
Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams
Red, gold, and green, red, gold, and green”-Karma Chameleon, Culture Club

Let it Go, Let it go.” -Frozen

Oh the lovely ear worms songs that get stuck in your head. You hear a song and then it gets stuck on repeat in your head all day. Some are good and some are bad and you want to pull your hair out.

Music has been pretty much a factor in our lives. Some songs bring back good memories and some sad. But either way, music is there to remind us of things that we may have forgotten. For me, songs are a mixture of both.

When I’m down I love upbeat songs to bring my spirits back up and sometimes I catch myself singing in the car or god forbid work. When I used to work retail I would hear a song and my foot would start tapping and then I would start singing, quietly.

When my son was little he used to tell me I couldn’t sing songs sung by male singers because I was a girl. He would tell me, “Mom that’s a boy song. You can’t sing it” So god forbid a Backstreet Boys (his favorite back back in 2000) George Straight or Garth Brooks came on because I was not supposed to sing to it.

Now I sing along to Whitesnake, Metallica, Three Days Grace, Korn, Pantera and so on. Some lyrics catch my ear and I’m like wait that would make a good story.

Such a song was Kelly Clarkson’s “Dark Side”. I was driving home when that song came on and I was like what if a vampire and a hunter meet? It turned into a story that I have yet to finish along with many others.

Another lyric that caught my attention was “When the Ashes fall, the legends rise” Still not sure where that will lead but I have it written down and maybe some day I will create a story out of it. Even song titles catch my attention and my mind will wander.

None the less, music is a part of us and will always be. Listening to 80s music I am taken back to high school. When I hear “We built this city” by Jefferson Starship, I am transported back to my first dance in high school during my junior year. Another one that brings back memories is “You spin me round” by Dead or Alive. That was a favorite of mine during my junior year but now I associate that song with a speech team trip and one of my classmates playing that song on repeat and us threatening to break his Walkman.

Music fills our soul and is a part of who we are. So roll down those windows, crank up the radio and sing.

